Updated the latest information of SpinFire Ultimate 11.6.3
SpinFire Ultimate 11.6.3 has been officially released today.
This update content is mostly an update / solution for importers.
This update content is mostly an update / solution for importers.
■ Import update details
• Supports NX12 (2D) (2D)
• Supports SolidWorks 2018 (2D)
• Supports SolidWorks 2018 (3D)
• Supports SolidEdge ST10 (2D)
• Supports SolidEdge ST10 (3D)
• Supports NX12 (2D) (2D)
• Supports SolidWorks 2018 (2D)
• Supports SolidWorks 2018 (3D)
• Supports SolidEdge ST10 (2D)
• Supports SolidEdge ST10 (3D)
■ Content. Fix errors of importers.
- ACT3D files. Some files do not open.
- ACT3D files. Some files do not open.
• Catia
- a string of letters CATIA V4 incorrect
- the files CATDrawing a delay of a few cases of forced terminations
- CATDrawing not turn up
- arrow CATDrawing a reverse
- the alignment of the body. CATDrawing dimension letters
- CATDrawing images are not displayed
- no images of CATDrawing files
- Tolerance of CATDrawing geometry is too large.
- a string of letters CATIA V4 incorrect
- the files CATDrawing a delay of a few cases of forced terminations
- CATDrawing not turn up
- arrow CATDrawing a reverse
- the alignment of the body. CATDrawing dimension letters
- CATDrawing images are not displayed
- no images of CATDrawing files
- Tolerance of CATDrawing geometry is too large.
• JT
- the surface of the JT file is not divided
- no geometry in the JT file
- the surface of the JT file is not divided
- no geometry in the JT file
• NX
- NX Drawing Open or the shape is not correct
- when imported NX 11 drawing will be placed lines or symbols that are missing
- files application assembly NX does not turn up
- no blocking. Title of NX drawing
- NX geometry disappeared
- no block title of NX drawing
- 2D NX import failed
- NX Drawing Open or the shape is not correct
- when imported NX 11 drawing will be placed lines or symbols that are missing
- files application assembly NX does not turn up
- no blocking. Title of NX drawing
- NX geometry disappeared
- no block title of NX drawing
- 2D NX import failed
• Pro-E
- Linking to ProE 2D DRW SpinFire is disabled when opening 3D PRT files.
- Linking to ProE 2D DRW SpinFire is disabled when opening 3D PRT files.
• SolidWorks
- SolidWorks files do not open
- SolidWorks files do not open
Manufacture's website : https://products.datadesign.co.jp/spinfire/news/2018/04/19/104/